Tips to Win Your Interview
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Interview has been important session to pursue achievement and gain career.People should pass interview first to get jobs they want. It’s also a must for employer to take an interview session for knowing wheter the personal who applying is affordable and meets their requirements for the position. At the same time, the employer will also recognize personality of applicant and will be able to predict their performance in the future. Thus, interview belongs to important moment both for employer and employee.
What’s Interview?
Interview is an interactive process that allows the applicant as interviewee and the employer as interviewer to meet each other, exchange information, and evaluate wheter the two parties can cooperate as a team in the future. It means to find a suitability between applicant and employer. As the applicant, you need to personalize your cover letter and CV or resume by talking in-depth about your experiences, skills, achievement and accomplishment, and also goals that relate to employer’s need. The employer will evaluate your knowledge about the employer, your passion to work with them,your performance, your attitude, your appearance, your confidence, and your ability to do the job you are applying for.
The Purposes of Interview
As already told before, the interview is a mutual exchange of information between employer and applicant. The primary objectives are:
1. Supplement of resume information
2. Show that you understand your strengths and weaknesses and have a sense of direction
3. Enable the employer to evaluate your personality and attitudes in terms of the demands of the organization and the position
4. Allow you to gain information about the organization and the job that is not available through other sources
5. Give you and the employer an opportunity to discuss the desirability of further
6. Contact or an offer of employment
The Question you might be asked
There are two kinds of questions, such as Classic Question and Behavioral Question.
1. Classic Questions
Generally the employer begins an interview by asking common questions that related to yourself briefly. You have to prepare to answer:
1. Tell about yourself!
2. What’s your motivation by applying for this position? and tell what you know about us!
3. What are your short-term goals? And what shall you do to achieve them?
4. What is your vision and mission statement?
5. What supervisory or leadership roles have you had?
6. For you, what are some advantages and disadvantages of working in a team environment?
7. What have been your most satisfying/disappointing experiences?
8. What did you like or dislike about your last job?
9. What are your strengths/weaknesses?
10. What kinds of problems do you handle best?
11. How do you reduce stress and try to achieve balance in your life?
12. How did you handle a request to do something contrary to your moral code or business ethics?
13. What do you think are advantages/disadvantages of joining our organization?
14. What is the most important thing you are looking for in an employer?
15. What courses did you like best or least? Why?
16. How do you spend your spare time?
17. If I asked your friends to describe you, what would they say?
18. What could you do to increase your effectiveness?
19. What was the toughest decision you have had to make in the last year? Why was it difficult?
20. Why should I hire you?
2. Behavioral Questions
It is about specific situation or condition in order to see the candidate how to solve a challenge or problem at once to find the solutions. The types of questions such as:
1. Tell us about your experience when you fail to reach the target of your job?
2. Give us some examples about things that you do when your company trust you to handle many projects in a one time?
To answer such questions above, the candidate has to prepare himself/herself to remain at the past situation, both action and result that have been achieved. Beside that, it is important to acquire further questions from the user to know real description about situation will be encountered. So, the interviewee needs to have good communication ability. Ability to communicate also influences candidate achieve in passing the interview.
There are four tips to answer the questions, such as:
1. Give detail description about situation happened
2. Explain your action in responding the situation
3. Tell the result
4. Tell the lesson getting form the situation
The common questions which used to the behavioral such as:
1. When you had uncomfortable moment and how did you break the situation?
2. How could you assure your client when you did presentation?
3. How did you solve a situation when you had much tasks to do? And what job you will do and complete first?
4. What kind of difficult decision you have ever made in this recent year. Why?
5. Why did your team fail in reaching target? How did you motivate your team so that they will achieve the target in the next time?
6. How did you solve a conflict? Give some examples
7. Tell us about your failure in doing a job.
8. What will you do if you are encouraged to make an unpleasant decision for other workers but it is benefit for company?
While responding to questions, use to your advantage information that the employer volunteers about the position and organization. Listen for verbal cues and hints and customize your responses accordingly, but be honest. For example, if you are excellent at multi-tasking and skilled at meeting tight deadlines, share this information if the interviewer just stated that the work environment is very fast paced. Furthermore, listen carefully to the question and how it is phrased. If it can be interpreted in more than one way, and if you are unsure what the interviewer really wants to discuss, ask for clarification.
Tips for You to Win Your Interview
Here are checkpoints for a winning interview:
1. Research the organization or company that you’re applying to.
2. Review the job announcement or advertisement to identify the skills, knowledge and abilities essential to the job you’re applying for.
3. Inventory your skills, knowledge and abilities
4. Review potential interview areas and questions based on your review of the job announcement or advertisement. Use our Interview Question Bank to identify possible questions.
5. Practice your interview with someone playing the role of the interviewer. Have the person conduct a mock or practice interview ask the person provide you with feedback on both your answers and your delivery. Have multiple mock interviews and use the feedback to improve during each mock interview.
6. One day before interview, you have to prepare yourself very well. You need to get sufficient sleep in order to be fresh tomorrow in interview time. Check up your appearance such as your outfit, your hair neatness, and the other points to make first impression.
7. Check up your document and stationery might be needed. After being interviewed, an applicant usually should fill a questionnaire for the company, the data needed such as your data, your experience, and salary you request.
8. Do prayer. It’s the most precious thing you should do by wishing to pass interview well.
9. Try to be relax. You can tell yourself that you’ll pass interview well.
10. Be honest when answering the questions. It’s just the way to convince the employer for your questions.
So prepare yourself pretty well, then you’ll win your interview. Good Luck!
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